To insert beams on your slanted ceiling in DomuS3D, you must create them as 3D objects using CAD drawing tools.
To build a beam, follow these steps:
- Open the 2D Wall View of the wall with the slanted ceiling
- Using the CAD drawing tools, draw the outline of the beam on the top part of the wall, using the snap points available. To draw the slanted line, click the O key on the keyboard to disable orthogonality if it is active. Once you've completed the outline, select the Create Object command and in the window that appears, indicate the thickness of the beam.
- After you've drawn the beam, apply the desired material to the object (for more details, please see this link). It is then possible to copy it multiple times and position the various beams as desired from the layout view.
This article is valid for the 2017 version and later.