When you are drawing your floorplan, it is easy to draw an angled wall if you know the angle it makes with the proceeding wall. Move your mouse in the direction of the angled wall and right click, selecting set corner from the menu that appears. A protractor appears on the screen and a dialogue box where you can insert the desired angle between the new and existing walls. Insert the desired value and click OK, then insert the desired length of the new wall and click OK.
This command can especially come in handy when you need to create a new wall that is perpendicular to an angled wall. In this case, select the New Wall command from the Layout tab of the Ribbon and indicate the starting point of the new wall. Right click and select Set corner, following the above steps to set the angle and length of the new wall.
The following image shows the result of the above described process, creating a new wall that is 80cm long and perpendicular to an angled wall.
This article is valid for the 2020 version and later.