360° panoramas are composed of a series of six images for the right channel and six images for the left channel, which the VR headset mounts together automatically to create the feeling of immersion in a three-dimensional environment.
To visualize a 360° panorama using your OculusGO, you must first configure your headset for proper use. For more details, please refer to this link: https://support.oculus.com/go/.
Put on the headset and open the Oculus Store to install the “Oculus 360Photos” App. For more details, please refer to the information available here: https://support.oculus.com/734649060064143/
Connect your device to your PC and follow the instructions on the headset to authorize content display and file transfer between your PC and OculusGO.
Using the “File Explorer” window on your computer, access the disk drive associated with the headset and create a folder called “Oculus\360Photos\My Images”.
Copy your panoramic images into the new folder “My Images”.
At this point, you are ready to put on the headset. Start the Oculus 360Photos application and open the “My Images” gallery. Click on your 360° panorama to view your 3D environment in VR.
This article is valid for DomuS3D® 2018 and later