What is Virtuo?
Virtuo is the perfect tool to present any project designed with DomuS3D, using the most advanced Virtual Reality technologies. The virtual experience is available with different types of devices, to provide the designer with a wide range of solutions to engage their customer and guide them at every stage, from design to purchase.
This new tool includes several innovative features compared to Real-Time rendering. Some of them are mentioned here below:
- Higher graphic quality
- Possibility to create emotional videos that can be exported in .mp4 extension (Tutorial for creating videos)
- Change of surfaces that haven't been tiled (or with plaster application)
- Day/night mode
- Selection of backgrounds
- Interactive adjustment of lighting.
Virtuo also has additional modules that can be activated along with the standard package, such as:
- Smart Reflex, allows you to take instant photos in high quality. Smart Reflex Add-On Tutorial;
- Cloud Panorama, allows to creation of 360° images that can then be used as a link to send to the customer, shared on social media, or with a Meta Quest headset. Cloud Panorama Add-on Tutorial;
- Fast Reality mode Allows for faster project-loading and scene navigation with higher graphic quality. Virtuo 6.0 Release video with "Fast Reality" Tutorial;
NOTE: Cloud Panorama add-on can only be used in "normal mode" and not with "Fast Reality".
Virtuo + VR device (Virtual Reality)
Virtuo allows users to wear a headset and easily immerse themselves in their dream space.
How to install Virtuo
Scroll down to read the attached manual and install the software.
Note: You can install and use Virtuo on one machine at a time.
How to export a scene from DomuS3D to Virtuo
If you have already installed and activated a Virtuo license, you can export the project from DomuS3D and easily try the virtual experience. Let's see how:
Open Virtuo
Open a project in DomuS3D and click on the Virtuo feature available in the Tools tab.
In the following window, select your navigation mode, Normal or Fast-Reality.
We suggest deactivating the "Object animations" and "Water flow" options.
When the export process is completed, you'll see the project being processed in an additional line of the Virtuo console to create the actual virtual experience.
Project processing (red icon + loading % below):
Processed project (green arrow icon)
At this point, you can:
Start your virtual experience by clicking on Play
Export your project to share it with your client, for example.
If you need to reload the project in another mode (from Normal to FastReality or vice versa) you can right-click on the selected project -> Edit -> Then the processing options window will reopen.
In this video, you can check out Virtuo's most important features: Virtuo's complete tutorial
Other information and general instructions
When creating a multiroom, press the CTRL key to go through doors and windows even if they are closed.
However, when placing interactive elements such as doors or windows that can be opened, we recommend opening them in the DomuS3D project before exporting, or you may not be able to move from one space to another.
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