There are two ways to delete a project from your DomuS3D database.
Deleting a single project:
Make sure that the project you wish to delete is not open in the program. Click on the preview of the project in the components window and then click the Delete icon.
Deleting multiple projects:
Click on File -> Delete
To see a list of all the projects that you currently have saved in your DomuS3D database, leave all fields blank in the resulting Project Selection window. If you want to filter projects according to specific properties, fill in the fields here:
Deleting projects is an irreversible operation in program versions prior to 2017. In DomuS3D 2018 and later, a copy of your deleted project will be created in the Project Recycle Bin which can be found in the folder: …\DomuS3D\Projects\trash.
If you do not want this copy to be created and saved, be sure to uncheck the appropriate box in the Project Selection window (image above) or deselect the “Move projects to the projects trash folder when you delete them” option in the General tab of the main Options window of the program.
This article is valid for the 2017 version and later.