Sometimes it is useful to place an object at a specific distance from an existing point in the plan.
The Application provides you, for this scope, a command called Point + Delta.
If you click the right mouse button over the object, you can select the command Move->Point + Delta.
First of all the Application needs you to select the point you want to refer to. Use the left mouse button to define that point, picking one of the existing points of the plan such a corner, the edge of an object, the end point of a line, etc... If the selected point is not valid the Application will alert you, so that you can try again selecting the reference point.
Once the reference point is defined, you can start moving the object and you will see dynamic dimensions between the object and the reference point itself (see next image). There are 2 dimension: horizontal and vertical. You can use the dynamic fields in order to specify the exact distance of the object location from the reference point. If you use a negative value, the direction of the object will be the opposite one.
You can switch to the other dynamic dimension field using the Tab keyboard button; as usual, you can press the Esc keyboard button in order to quit the command without moving the object.
This article is valid for DomuS3D® 2018 and later versions