SketchUp files (file extensions is SKP) are 3D objects usually created or converted with Google SketchUp; they are available in the Internet and can be downloaded for personal use following the license terms available in the web site. In order to find them you can open a search engine and type Google Warehouse.
At the time of writing this manual the current address is:
As you can see there are many thousands of items available for any room type. Search the one you need, download and save the SketchUp file (.skp file extension). Once saved the file in your computer, follow up the instructions you have seen in the previous paragraph, locate and load the .skp file in your project.
Usually .skp files already have materials (textures) associated to the object layers. Later on in this chapter you will see how to change those materials picking them up from the Components window.
Note that some .skp files may not appear properly in the Navigation and/or rendering image; this may be caused by the design technique used by the designer (3D Face normal orientation). In these cases, usually it is enough to open the file again with SketchUp, and properly change wrong normals.
Finally, note that if the project is opened, you can connect to Google Warehouse directly from the DomuS3D® Live! page: search what you need, than select the object and load it directly inside the project layout, saving time by avoiding any save/load procedure.
This article is valid for DomuS3D® 2017 and later versions