Sometimes it is useful to select multiple items at the same time and apply the same modifications/features to all of them at once. This is possible when you are in Layout window, through the Multiple selection command , available in the LAYOUT section of the Ribbon (or with the shortcut: Ctrl+A.. In the next image you can see an example of the window that appears when you select multiple items:
This command can be launched in 2 different ways:
• Select items with the left mouse button, then launch command or click Ctrl+A: this is the easier and quicker way to run the command. Moreover you will be able to select CAD 2D items too (such as lines, polylines, texts, dimensions, spline, etc…).
• Launch command first, then select items with the left mouse button: with this option you can only select furnishings, groups and objects. No CAD 2D items will be selected. While selecting, if you click an already selected item for a second time, you cancel it from selection. When done, click the right mouse button to confirm selection. This can be used especially when you have overlapped items in the project, as it’ll be easier to zoom the layout and pick just the needed items.
Let’s have a look at the Multiple selection mask features:
In case you want to filter just a subset of the selected items, the Full text search allows you to type part of the text you want to search for. Filter is applied to one or more of following items fields: item code, description, collection name, Object/group name. When selecting a subset, features will apply just to the subset, and not to all the selected items group.
Select all/Deselect all buttons allow you to quickly (de)select all items available in the list. If you have already filtered a subset thanks to Full text search, (De)Select All refers just to the subset.
Every time you click an item in list, the mask will provide you the related preview image, if available.
If no items are selected in the list, the buttons in the mask will be disabled.
Buttons available in the mask refer to the most used commands for the items you can select in the Layout window; additional commands are available in the sub-menus Move and Advanced.
Let’s have a look at the commands available in the mask:
• Move button: closes the mask and allows you to move selected items in layout. The type of "Move" available changes depending on the type of selected items. If you have CAD 2D items selected, the move feature is just a horizontal/vertical movement. Standard items (furnishing, groups, objects) can be moved in any direction and rotated.
• Delete: allows you to delete selected items from the project, regardless of their type.
• Copy: allows you to duplicate selected entities and place them in a different position.
• Elevation(*): allows you to modify with a single command the elevation of all selected entities. New elevation can be absolute (the same for all items) or relative: in this case the value you specify in the elevation mask will be added (Up) or subtracted (Down) to the current elevation of each item.
• Hide/Show(*): allows you to specify if selected items will be visible or hidden in the 2D Surface, Navigation, Rendering widows. Regardless the choice you will make, entities will always be visible in Layout window. If you need to hide them even there, you need to operate with Layers manager (see next paragraphs).
• Move menu->Delta: allows you to move selected items with a delta X or delta Y. The mask will remain opened in order to adjust the delta, rather than select new commands.
• Advanced menu->General commands(*): this command is available just in case you select one entity only; in this case Multiple Selection mask will close and you will see the context menu related to the selected item. Context menu is the temporary menu you obtain by clicking the right mouse button over the entity. Getting the context menu through the Multiple Selection mask can be useful when you have overlapped items in the Layout window, and it is difficult to select the correct one.
• Advanced menu->Properties(*): this command is available just in case you select one entity only among furnishings, objects and groups; Application will open the Properties mask related to the selected item.
• Advanced menu->Move to current layer: allows you to move the selected entities to the currently active layer.
• Advanced menu->Layer management: allows you to open the layer management mask, where you can delete or create new layers, hide/show layers, and decide the active (also called current) layer. This image refers to a project where you have 2 additional layers together with the standard one. Solution 1 is currently the active layer, while Solution 2 is hidden.
• Advanced menu->Delete materials (*): allows you to delete any material applied to the item (available for standard items).
• Advanced menu->Delete tiling (*): allows you to delete all tiles applied to any surface of the item (available for standard items).
• Advanced menu->Add to database(*): allows you to group selected items and load them as a new furnishing in the Application database; we suggest you to refresh the Components window after loading the group. When you drag & drop the group in the project you can decide to leave it as a group (single entity), or explode it in order to manage each item of the former group: right click over the group and select command Explode.
(*) commands referenced by (*) are available just in case selected items do not include CAD2D entities.
Starting in the 2022 version, it is possible to select multiple entities simultaneously, even those of different types, such as cad, furniture, and objects. By selecting an area, or by using ctrl + left click, from the layout window, it is possible to select multiple elements and perform various operations from the window that appears when the selection is completed by right clicking with the mouse.
Along with the operations available in the “multiple selection” window, it is also possible to assign the selected entities to a different layer through the appropriate field in the Properties window.
This article is valid for the 2022 version and later