It is possible to visualize in “Surface 2D” window (2D Wall) even those objects that are not exactly aligned to the wall, but they’re next to it (proximity value).
The standard proximity value is 10 cm; it is possible to set a different one using the Registry key “TileWinCaptureZMax” (if you want to modify such value, you can open the Options mask and select System variables section; n ithere you can find the Registry and change the value. If that Registry is still not available, create it using the first entry - New)
Starting from version 2018, indeed, proximity value is also available in the Surface 2D section of the Options mask.
Remember that Registry key “TileEditShowElements” allows you to specify if you want to see 3D items in Surface 2D window (1) or not (=0).
This article is valid for DomuS3D® 2017 and later versions