In case the standard alignment of the tiles is not the one you want (the Application starts tiling from the first corner of the layout you designed), you can change it.
In the Navigation window, click the right mouse button on the floor, and select command: Modify tiling position.
As you can see in the image below, the Application gives you a graphic representation of the current origin: it is the yellow sphere, and the red arrow starting from it gives you the idea of the direction the tiling procedure goes through.
You can move the mouse in order to re-place the origin. The new origin is represented by the green sphere: you can snap it to current tiling (for example the tiles on the wall), objects and walls.
When you have found the new origin, click the left mouse button in order to set it; you will see that the floor coverings will move starting from the new origin.
This article is valid for DomuS3D® 2017 and later versions