As you need to browse the internal library in order to find the needed objects, it is important to learn the way of using the components window.
The quickest way to find an item is to use the SEARCH field, by typing the item code, or the description, the collection name, etc…
(For example, if you type in a Manufacturer name, you will filter the library just with the items coming from that Company).
The most accurate is the text you’re typing in, the better will be the search criteria and the items selection to refer to. If you want to rollback your selection, click CANCEL or delete the text and press Enter keyboard button.
Alternatively, you can browse the component window depending on the structure it is based on.
After Application setup, the first level is Macro-typology: it is a list of main sections the objects refer to. If you click one of them, you will see all typologies related to that Macro-typology. Indeed, if you wan to avoid Macro-typology selection (which means to see ALL available typologies), click FORWARD. Once you select a typology, you can see a list of all Manufacturers available in this selection. Once you see the needed object, click it over the preview image, drag and drop it in the scene.
If you want to customize the order for browsing, open the Options section you find at the bottom of the panel (Note: it is not the Application Options command. Look at the Components Options button in the image on the left). Here in, you can find several controls that allow you to customize the components section dedicated to Furnishing Elements.
Slide down to the Filters section, and here proceed enabling/disabling the categories you want to see/hide, or move them up or down depending the order you want to see while browsing.
We encourage you spending a few seconds in order to optimize at least Furnishing Elements and Coverings components, as they are crucial while designing: a good organization for these groups will allow you finding the items you need in just a few clicks.
This article is valid for DomuS3D® 2017 and later versions