Note: starting from version 2020, the minimum thickness of a wall is 1 cm.
Modifying the thickness of a wall can be done in different ways:
- In the drawing phase of a project, you can modify the width of the next stretch of wall by right clicking and selecting Set thickness: from the window that appears, you can change the current thickness. The newly set value will be used for the remaining duration of the command.
- If you want to modify the width of an existing wall, select the wall and then right click. From the context menu that appears select Thickness -> Set thickness (see figure below).
- If you want to modify all the walls of a room, click on Width from the layout section of the ribbon, and select one of the walls of the layout.
- The pop-up menu indicating the current width, which you can change, will appear. Insert the new value, select “Apply to all walls of the room”, and click OK (see figure below):
- The wall can be modified by dragging the inner/external wall perpendicularly to the wall structure using one of the below described methods:
- After you place the cursor on the wall, left click and manually modify the width.
- Select the wall that you wish to move with the left mouse button (blue highlighted wall). Click a second time with the left mouse button and specify the value of the width or the distance to the adjacent walls in the input fields (you can move between them using the TAB key)
To learn more about this command, watch this video.
This article is valid for the 2019 version and later.