When you are creating a new project, the software automatically inserts a flat ceiling, taking into account the height of the walls of the room.
If you want to insert a sloping (or inclined) ceiling, you can do so in the active room; in the case of a multi-room project, this operation has to be repeated in each room of the project.
Place the cursor in a empty place inside the active room and click the right mouse button: from the context menu that appears select Ceiling -> Customize Ceiling
The software automatically shows the height of the inner corners of the room, allowing you to modify the height of each corner by simply inserting a new value: to move between the input fields you can use the TAB key.
Let's consider different types of inclined ceilings starting with the simplest one, the shed ceiling:
After selecting the command, you can modify the height of the two lowest corners. With a right mouse click, select the command Apply and an arrow indicating the slope of the shed ceiling (the arrow indicates the direction of the rise) will appear. Press the Enter key to confirm and close the command.
In the navigation window, you can see the result obtained:
To learn more about this command, watch this video.
For a vaulted ceiling:
For this type of ceiling you need to insert an additional perpendicular line (technically defined as a ridge beam) which will allow you to define the position of new corners. You can draw a line across the room using the mouse (the points of the line can be chosen by clicking a point along the starting wall or by inserting the exact desired position).
After confirming this operation, the software shows the new edges and you can specify their height (Image 1). After modifying the height of each edge, select the Apply command, and you will see the arrows which indicate the direction of the slope (Image 2).
In the navigation window, you can see the result of the operation:
To learn more about this command, watch this video.
Linked articles:
- How to delete an inclined ceiling
- How to insert an inclined ceiling in a multi-room project
This article is valid for the 2019 version and later.