Starting in DomuS3D 2019, the difference between a wall structure, meaning the architectural 3D element that makes up the perimeter of a room, and a wall, meaning the tangible two dimensional surface of a wall structure that can be either inside or outside of a room, takes on significant importance.
Based on which element is selected, the commands that are subsequently activated are different.
If, for example, we position our mouse on the internal section of a wall structure and we right click, a context menu with commands relative only to the wall structure will appear (see the image below).
If, on the other hand, we wish to select the wall, we need to position the mouse along the boarder of the wall structure (it is possible to select either the internal or external walls) and, with a right click, we will see a context menu appear that has two groups of commands: one relative to the wall selected and one relative to the wall structure, as seen in the below image.
This article is valid for version 2019 and later.