In this article you have already learnt how to quickly shape a wall: with this command you can easily add other corners on the wall.
When you need to draw a more complex shape for the wall, place your mouse over the wall you need to remodel, then click the right mouse button and select command Modify -> Start modeling. (pay attention: the mouse has to be placed over the edge of the wall, not internally)
In the image below, the yellow lines represent the new shape we want to model the wall with.
If the project contains also the imported layout (DWG/DXF) and there are overlapping walls, by clicking CTRL button when you select a wall you can choose the wall you want to refer to (differently, you can hide the existing floorplan by hiding the DWG/DXF layer).
As you enter the advanced modeling feature, you can start drawing the new shape of the wall, even specifying the exact dimensions, or snapping existing corners in the floorplan.
While drawing, if you click the right mouse button you can:
- Change the origin (P keyboard button), so that you can switch the starting point of the wall.
- Change the editable dimensions field (SHIFT+TAB keyboard buttons) allows you to decide whether specifying the new point by assigning the distance from the previous one, or the new angle you want to trace.
This way you can draw the new shape of the wall; reach the opposite wall corner in order to terminate the command.
The modeled walls (despite they are main walls or inner walls), can be moved just in case their sides are orthogonal with the adjacent walls.
Look at the following images: in the first one both sides of the modeled wall are 90° with the adjacent walls: so you can move them . On the contrary, the images 2 and 3 show you situations where you cannot move the modeled wall, as its sides are not orthogonal.
Image 1 |
Image 2 |
Image 3 |
This article is valid for DomuS3D® 2020 and later versions