Starting from version 2020, you can draw internal walls from wall to wall without definitively splitting the room. This approach lets you simulate having different rooms, with a further flexibility while resizing rooms and moving walls. Not only: when opening the Floor 2D window, you can manage the floor of the entire apartment, and also print it with all the rooms together!
Let's see how to do that.
When you draw the new (inner) wall, it is important that you set the starting point of the inner wall just when you can see the measurement fields over the basic wall (look at the next image). Same approach when setting also the final point of the inner wall.
When you set the final corner of the inner wall, the Application will ask you if you want to split the existing room into 2 (totally separated) rooms.
If you say YES, the original room will be divided into 2 new (separate rooms); each one will contain an Omni Light placed right in the middle. In the next image you can see how the new walls will look like.
If you say NO, you keep having just a single room, with internal walls virtually splitting it. Look at the next image, and see the difference for to the inner walls: you can easily recognize when inner walls are splitting rooms.
Moreover, if you move the cursor over each wall, depending on the wall classification you can see a different hoover color. That's one more way to realize if the inner color is a flexible one rather than a structural one.
If you decide to work this way with inner walls, you can benefit of the following:
- When you open the Floor 2D window, you can see and interact with the entire floor of the apartment. Of course, you can even print them all in the same page.
- If you need to change the walls position, using inner walls this way gives you more flexibility than definitively splitting the room.
- You can tile any specific room in Floor 2D window using Tile layers feature.
- On the contrary, the estimate will group all items within the same list
This article is valid for DomuS3D® 2020 and later versions