In this section you can see some blueprint examples among the templates you have available after Application installation.
For the users of former versions of the Application, let’s start saying that VENUS prints a better formatted layout scheme, as you can see in the next image. Architectural elements reflect the rules usually architectes and designers want to respect: walls lines are in bold, and are truncated near doors and windows, doors show the radius of the opening gesture, etc...
Some templates allow you to obtain details for the installer, such as the scheme in order to understand where to start tiling. Here’s an example:
… similarly for the walls (This symbol '>>' tells the installer which side to start tiling from).
This image shows that you can automatically print detailed information about the objects: in this case you have the exact distance between washbasin and the left/right corner of the wall. The same can be done also in case you have internal layers you tiled with different tiles. All these information are very useful for any installer while in charge of the project’s realisation.
In the next images you will see most common and used templates available with the Application.
A4, A3, letter format: project layout in vertical page
Complete booklet made of 5 or more pages:
• Layout with dimensions
• Tiled layout with material details table
• Tiled walls with material details table
• 3D image of the scene (current Navigation point of view)
• Project estimate
Ancora fascicoli con differenti tipi di impaginazione.
Nelle prossime immagini, invece, seguono alcuni esempi di modelli ideali per formati di grandi dimensioni (A3), che si prestano bene alla stampa di diverse informazioni sul progetto all'interno dello stesso foglio.
This article is valid for DomuS3D® 2017 and later versions