The estimate can be calculated with 2 different algorithms: Automatic waste and No waste. As you can see in the next image, you can quickly switch between the two, directly from within the Estimate window.
Automatic waste: this is the standard algorithm used by the Application. The Application knows that every time you cut a tile you have to consider a waste factor. For this reason if you are using more than 50% of a tile, the Application adds the complete tile to the Estimate, as the rest is considered waste (this is common for tiles).
No waste: calculation refers to theoretical area covered by the tile, without any waste. The area of the surface (floor, wall) is mathematically divided by the area of the tile. This is common for hardwood, resins, … but also in order to know the exact square meters you need for each item.
In the next images you can see the difference between Automatic/No waste. Look at the Waste (%) and Sold quantity fields: totals change depending on the choice you made.
This article is valid for DomuS3D® 2017 and later versions