There are available several templates that let you printing any aspect and detail of your project (blueprint).
Wherever you are in the project, commands for printing are located in the TOOLS section of the Ribbon.
There are two different groups of templates you can choose from:
Print for Customer: allows you to choose among dedicated templates for the customers; they are less technicals, and let you show the project in a well formatted schema.
Print for Installer: allows you to choose among dedicated templates for installers, where to particularise the patterns details and alignement, set dimensions and additional technical information, etc…
As you can see in the next image, once selected the print command you have access to a mask that will let you choose the template.
In the left side of the mask you can choose the group of templates you want to refer to (Layout only, 3D Navigation only, etc…) as well as the paper size and orientation the template has to refer to. Try to select just one category, in order to better realise the content of that typology.
If you move the mouse over a thumbnail, after a second you’ll see that the Application shows you a larger preview of that template, so that you can be sure of what you’re going to choose.
This is not your project preview, but a similar one so that you can realise if the template you’re choosing is the right one for this customer/project.
Note: down in the mask, on the left, you can set the ZOOM you want to use while previewving the templates, as well as the scale you will use in the printout (if needed by the templates).
This article is valid for DomuS3D® 2017 and later versions