You can have a look at the 3D window parameters while in Navigation view; in this way you can check the speed and power of your graphic card, related to the complexity of the project.
You can hide/show navigation parameters panels by clicking F12 keyboard button while navigating the project.
Two panels will appear, as you can see in this image, where the most important information are:
- Device: this is the graphic card type you currently have on-board
- Camera: Dimensions (in pixel) of the scene view (window) on screen
- FOV: current set for the Field of View parameter
- Spaceball: on if Application supports SpaceNavigator, off otherwise
- Average FPS: FPS average while navigating (FPS: Frames per second. This parameter is an indicator of how fluid the movements are while navigating)
- Triangles: Number of 3D faces available in project. It is an index of the project complexity, as the higher is this number, the bigger/slower will be the project (also rendering process is affected by this indicator, increasing rendering time as the 3D faces increase in the project. Rendering is also affected by lights)
In case you are using 3D objects containing too many faces, we encourage you considering their replacement with smaller and more optimized objects.
You can have a look at each object’s number of faces with the following command:
In the Layout window open the TOOL section of the Ribbon, hence select Stats command, available in the Project Group. You will open a mask where all 3D objects are listed, and for each one the column name #Tri reports the number of Triangles (3D Faces)
This article is valid for DomuS3D® 2017 and later versions