Starting from version 2017, when you access the catalogues page you can see the Company Logo for each available catalogue. In this way, you can easily recognize the Brand you want to work with, and proceed downloading it in your DomuS3D.
The Cloud icon in the lower-right side of the tile allows you to immediately start downloading the complete catalogue.
As you can see in the image, there is another icon, top-right of the catalogue logo: it is a heart, and allows you to flag this catalogue as part of the Subscription. Catalogues subscription is a new module that allows you to create a list of Brands you want to be automatically downloaded and kept up-to-date by the Application. Each time there’s an update in the DomuS3D® Cloud, the Application will start downloading the pieces of news for that catalogue(s) on your behalf. When all catalogue has been downloaded, the Application will ask for your confirmation prior completing the import procedure in the internal database; this usually happens when:
- you close a project
- you launch DomuS3D®
- you’re next to close DomuS3D®
Subscription is a powerful tool in order to save time and keep your catalogues up-to-date. You can check anytime the Subscription content by clicking the FAVOURITES link in the catalogues page (see next image). In this section you can even remove catalogues from the Subscription.
This article is valid for DomuS3D® 2017 and later versions