You can check anytime the progress of catalogues download.
During the download procedure you can open che Cloud icon you see at the bottom of the Components window, as you can see in the next image.
The following image shows the transfer manager window while you are downaloading the catalogue .
The following image shows the way it looks like when the download has been completed (a green cloud appears to confirm you that downoad has been completed). In this moment the catalogue is on your disk, but has not been definitvely loaded in the Application’s database.
If you click over the green cloud, and open the transfer manager window, you can complete the loading procedure by clicking the button Complete.
At the end of download, also the Live! page will tell you about the availability of the new catalogue, so that you can perform the last step: final loading procedure in internal database (see next image).
You just have to click Install elements in order to definitively load those items in your library. You are now ready to use them in your design activity.
Note: the Application may ask you a confirmation in order to overwrite new materials over the existing ones in your library. They are the new materials downloaded from the Cloud. We always suggest you to overwrite all materials with new ones, as the new ones could be better optimized for the rendering process. The only disadvantage in this choice is that if you have formerly modified a material in your library, you could loose your customization.
This article is valid for DomuS3D® 2017 and later versions