Access to DomuS3D is provided by a software key: this type of protection, although requiring active internet connection, provides users with flexibility through the following characteristics:
- Login to the program via username and password. Access is granted via cloud platform, meaning that login credentials are the only requirement for access.
- No risk of loss, damage, or theft to license.
- If you forget your login credentials, you can reset them.
- Program can be used on multiple computers and in different locations, allowing you to work at the office and at home, or share the license among colleagues (only one person can use the program on one computer at any one time).
- You can dynamically manage multiple software licenses to allow designers, architects, installers, and others to collaborate and share projects (contact your sales representative if you are interested in learning more about this option).
- The program can be used on virtual machines.
If you are a new user and have never used DomuS3D, you'll need to register a new username and password that you'll use to access the program and all related services online. To complete a new user registration click HERE.
As an alternative to a software key (username/password), for users that have problems with internet connection, the program can also be accessed via a hardware key (USB drive): this licensing method is now obsolete and we do not recommend it for a variety of reasons, including the risk of losing the USB key.
A critical requirement for installing and using Domus3D is that the operating system is 64 bit Windows 8.1 or later.
The installation procedure will automatically verify the components of your system and if something does not meet the requirements, the installation procedure will stop and alert you of the problem.
Click here to see all hardware requirements.
When you purchase a subscription to DomuS3D, you'll be sent a welcome email with a link to download the program. If you did not receive this email or need to receive a download link for the program, please contact or your sales representative.
Once you click on the link provided, you'll be taken to a web page where a direct download link will be available. Click on "Download".
You can check the progress and the time remaining for your download in the lower left corner of your browser window.
Once the download has completed, double click on the file. In the window that opens, click "Install" (note that if this window appears in Italian, the correct button to click is "Installa"; the language will change automatically as you move forward with the installation procedure).
DomuS3D will automatically start to extract the archived file and the installation procedure will automatically start once completed.
If installation does not begin automatically, you may need to manually run the file Autorun.exe. Double click on this file, located in the installation folder of the program which, unless moved, is located here C:/MATICAD.
Since the program needs to install with Administrator privileges, it will now check this requirement and, if necessary, will ask you to confirm running as an Administrator. Click Yes.
The installation procedure will now begin, and the below window will appear. In the top portion of the window, the system information will be shown.
The System Info section checks the compatibility of the program with the system on which you are installing it, displaying results as either red, yellow, or green, depending on the compatibility of each significant component.
The first check is the operating system: if it is not compatible, the following screen will appear and installation will stop:
The operating system must be 64 bit Windows 8.1 or later.
The system memory is another parameter that must be verified: installation will be stopped if memory is less than 8GB.
If the system has less than 8 GB of Ram, installation will stop. If the system has only 8 GB of Ram, the symbol will be yellow, indicating that this parameter is not ideal for DomuS3D . We recommend having at least 16 GB of Ram or more.
The resolution of the screen is verified next; if it is less than 1024x768 (indicated in yellow as a non-optimal resolution), the installation will stop .
This requirement is generally satisfied by computers of the last few years.
Lastly, the space on available disks is verified. Those that do not have enough space are identified in red:
Here are the ranges: If available space is < 10 GB, then the symbol will be red and you cannot install the program on that disk. If the space available is between 10 and 50 GB, then the symbol is yellow, indicating a non-optimal situation .
The default disk selected automatically by the installer is the system drive, usually C:\. If this disk is over 80% full, we recommend choosing a different disk with a greater open capacity (for example, as shown in the image, disk D:\).
In the case that previous versions of the program are installed on your system, the most recent version will be indicated in the middle of the window, underneath the system info:
If a previous version of DomuS3D already exists on your computer, it is not necessary to use the backup/restore button before installation as the installer will allow you to automatically import your previous data into the new version of the program.
The backup/restore button can be useful if you need to transfer the database of the program from one computer to another.
Proceed with installation by clicking on “Full Installation” which will install DomuS3D and all of its satellite applications (Render Manager, Suite Console, Application Manager, Real-Time Rendering, and Composer). Each of these applications can also be accessed individually with the Install Tools button.
In the following window, a list that shows the available languages for installation compatible with your operating system will appear, as shown below:
If your desired language is not shown among those available, please contact our technical support team to verify its availability.
The default language is “English” and, no matter which language you select at this stage, you can change the language at anytime from within the program after installation.
Installation of the program happens in two distinct phases: in the first step, setup will check if the operating system has all needed frameworks or modules of the operating system needed by the Application to correctly operate.
At the end of this first step, the computer may require a restart: restart the computer to ensure proper installation.
Once the computer has turned back on, the procedure will continue automatically with the next phase.
The second phase will install DomuS3D and each of its satellite applications. A few simple pop-up windows will help you optimize installation.
Proceed by selecting “next” and “install”
If you are updating a previous version, there will be another request asking to import (or not) the data (catalogs, projects) from the previous version of the program to continue using them in the new version of the program.
We suggest importing past data, even if you don't think you need to work on any past projects or catalogs. It will NOT be possible to recover old project data if you decide not to import it now.
If you have space available on your PC, we also recommend, as a precaution, exporting all project packages into an archive so that they are accessible as individual files which can be imported into DomuS3D in the future if you need them.
At the end of the installation, select “Finish”.
Once the program has been installed on your computer, a single icon will appear on your desktop called Suite Console, a control panel where you can launch DomuS3D and its satellite applications and services (previously called “Starter”). Click here to learn more about the Suite Console.
Opening the Suite Console, you can launch the main program by clicking the DomuS3D button. You’ll be asked to insert your login credentials.
If you are a new user and have never used DomuS3D, you'll need to register a new username and password that you'll use to access the program and all related services online. To complete a new user registration click HERE.
If you are using a hardware key and have been granted access to the new version of the program, the program will automatically update the license from the old version to the new version when you first open the program. If the program cannot update your license automatically, it will ask you to manually update your license:
If you see this window, please contact Maticad ( to receive your update file. Once you’ve received the file to unlock your license, click on the red link and confirm to proceed and apply the upgrade. Select the v2c file you received and confirm that you can launch the program.
This article is valid for the 2022 version and later.