The Client-Server version (also called CS) is different than Standalone in database and file storage management:
- In CS, you have a centralized Sql Server database installed on the Server machine. On the server, all users will automatically store projects, panels and catalogues.
- Users will be able to connect to the Client-Application from any PC within the Company.
- The system administrator can centralize and optimize backup operations.
- For multiple designers (Clients), there is only one program protection key for the CS version (generally located on the Server, but can also reside on a different physical PC), which allows the system administrator to control access for individual users. If the Server is installed on a Virtual Machine, we strongly encourage inserting the protection key into a physical PC which is always available by LAN for all users, to avoid potential conflicts with the Virtual Machine. The protection key cannot, in fact, be installed on a Virtual Machine. You can also order a software key instead of a USB key, however, software keys cannot be installed on Virtual Machines either.
Server is the workstation where you will install the “server” Application. On the Server you can find:
- Application database (MicrosoftTM Sql Server, ODBC compliant)
- All data and files related to projects, tiles, panels, 3d objects and elements, materials, etc.
- The USB protection key (alternatively located on any other PC in LAN, always running)
- All services that run the Server and Client negotiations
The Server has to comply with the following requirements:
- must always be switched on and accessible in LAN/VPN by all Client computers
- Server does not have to be a powerful computer, as it is meant only to collect and distribute projects, catalogues and data to all Clients. We recommend a high speed disk so access to stored data will not delay operations.
- We suggest installing MicrosoftTM Windows Server Operating System
Client is the Application installed on a computer of the network (LAN, Intranet, VPN) where the designer can draw and render 3D projects. Configured on a Microsoft Windows operating system (ref. Hardware and Software requirements paragraph), the designer can connect to the Server repository where he/she can load or save projects, provided that he/she has been given a username and password to login.
Last but not least, some information about the network: Client-Server installations can work on a local network (LAN: Local Area Network), where usual speeds vary between 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps. They can also work on wider networks (VPN: Virtual Private Network), based on the Internet connection between PoS: in this case CS can link several Showrooms located in different geographic areas. VPN networks have to grant access to Client PCs to reach the Server PC, and to share the folders used for the data files between one another, as if they were in a LAN. Dedicated band-width for DomuS3D® has to be at least 2 Mbps; if not, designers could face significant delays when loading or saving projects, or when collecting tiles and 3D objects from the available catalogues.
This article is valid for DomuS3D® 2017 and later versions