If you want you can change the light intensity, position and direction remaining in the Navigation window. First of all check in the Application’s Options (Properties) mask, if lights are visible in 3D. Open it, go the Navigation and Rendering section, and enable Show lights control.
Then, open Navigation and you will see rounds/conic/linear lights depending on what you already placed in the project.
If you click the right mouse button over the light, you can select Properties command and Position.
The latter will open the Gizmo interactive controller that allows you to dynamically change the light position and intensity directly in 3D.
In this image you can see the Gizmo interactive controller snapped to the focus of a Spot light (spot lights can be dragged from the light source, focus and barycentre).
The interactive control is made of 3 axes (called Gizmo axes), one for each direction in space (X, Y, Z). If you click one of the axes with the left mouse button, and you start dragging, you can see that the light will move following the direction made by the axis.
If you use just the mouse, you can move the light very quickly, but the destination position may be less accurate.
Indeed, if you want to be more accurate you can refer to the Position window (available top-left of the screen while you are in the Gizmo mode), where you can specify the correct position in space of the light. Here you can specify the exact coordinate in space of the light, as X, Y and Z refer to the absolute coordinates in the project space.
Instead of dragging the light through the Gizmo axes, you can also click the left mouse button over the Gizmo planes; doing so, you will lock the light to the plane you have selected. The active Gizmo plane is reference by the yellow color, as you can see in the images on the left.
If you want to exit from Gizmo mode, you can click the right mouse button again, or press the ESC keyboard button.
Notice that as soon as you start moving the Gizmo, the light effect in the scene changes and you can immediately notice while in Navigation: this is a wonderful option to speed up the light setup procedure, as you now can see immediately if the direction and the intensity are the right one for your scene.
If you want to change the snap for the Gizmo, double click with the left mouse button over the grey cubes you can see in the light.
In the next image you can see that the Gizmo is now locked to the barycentre of the light, so that you can easily move it all around the scene.
Bulb lights can be dragged in the light source (centre) and radius
Neon lights can be dragged in the barycentre, and the extreme points of the light.
In this image you can see the (project) lights properties mask available if you select Properties when you right click over a light in Navigation window.
In the left side of this panel you have a list of available lights in the project, and for each one you can decide the colour, beam size, penumbra % and it’s status: switched ON/OFF.
This article is valid for DomuS3D® 2017 and later versions