It can be useful to divide existing walls of the project; sometimes you need to really create more walls and modify the shape of the room, sometimes you need to split the walls just in order to easily tile them in different ways.
Move the cursor on the internal side of the wall you want to divide, then right click the cursor over it and select command Split (you can also select the button Split available in the Layout section of the Ribbon, in the Inside Walls group).
Now the Application asks you to define where to split the wall: as usual, you can use the left mouse button in order to quickly split the wall, even if you know that the mouse is hooked to the grid snap (unless you press the S keyboard button, as you will see in the last section of this Chapter).
Indeed, if you want to be more accurate when splitting the wall, instead of using the left mouse button use the mouse just to refer to the wall to be divided, than type the distance between the new corner and the existing ones. You already know that by clicking the TAB keyboard button you switch between the left/right distance: the highlighted filed is the active one.
Don’t forget to look at the Application status bar if you do not remember the unit measure you are currently working in.
Finally, it is important to notice that if the wall has already been tiled, by splitting it the Application will remove existing tiles and the wall will become empty again. For this reason it is important to decide how to manage the room walls before starting laying down materials.
SHORTCUTS: If you want to quickly run this command, you can use the following shortcuts:
Ctrl + left mouse button: hold on Ctrl keyboard button while you click the left mouse button over an internal wall: this lets you Split the wall in the place you clicked over
Shift + left m. b: if you keep Shift keyboard button pressed you quickly start the Split command, so that you can divide a wall where you need. This shortcut, indeed, allows you to remain looped so that you can proceed splitting walls until you press the ESC keyboard button
This article is valid up to version 2018