You can move any wall from within the layout window.
First of all move the mouse cursor on the internal side of the wall (you understand about the right position as the wall color changes to blue, and a small tooltip tells you the wall size). On the internal side of the wall click the right mouse button, as you can see in the image, and select command Move.
In case walls are not orthogonal: (see next image)
the Application now asks you to specify the first (starting) point of the movement: using the left mouse button, you can specify ANY point in the screen, as the starting and ending point are just references for the Application in order to understand how far you want to move that wall. Secondly, you will select the destination point.
Notice that you can do it both using the mouse (clicking with the left mouse button where you want the destination point to be set) or even typing the distance of the movement in the available fields (one is for the length of the movement, the second one is related to the movement orientation: you can switch from one to the other with the TAB keyboard button).
In case walls are orthogonal: (see next image)
in this case you can immediately either start moving the wall and placing it using the left mouse button, or type the length of the adjacent wall with the keyboard. Press enter when done; remember that you can switch from the left to the right adjacent wall length field with the TAB keyboard button.
In case you make any mistake, use the shortcut Ctrl + Z or the UNDO button in the upper-left corner of the Application window, as you can see in the image. The opposite of UNDO is REDO (the specular button) whose shortcut is Ctrl + Y .
This article is valid up to version 2018