Move the mouse cursor on the internal side of the wall. On the internal side of the wall click the right mouse button, and select command Width: you have now the opportunity of seeing the current wall’s width, and modify it. You can also ask the Application to set that width to all walls of the project, by enabling the related check button.
If you want to change walls’ height, right click again on the internal side of the wall you want to change, and select command Height. In this case if the check called “Apply to all walls of the room” is enabled you can specify one height only, which will be the new height of all walls in the project. If you disable that check, you are now referring just to the selected wall, where you can specify different height values for the right and left corner.
Differently from previous versions, starting from Pegasus version, DomuS3D® does not delete anymore the tiles you already placed on the walls prior the height modification.
This article is valid up to version DomuS3D® 2018