CAD tools allow you to create complex shapes for designing new spaces or 3D objects. It is important to note that these tools can be used at any stage of the project, even for adding new spaces.
To access the 2D CAD tools, open the CAD section in the Ribbon from the floor plan view or any of the 2D views, such as the 2D floor or 2D wall view.
Here you will find several useful commands for drawing within your project:
Line: Select the Line command and set the first point using the left mouse button or by typing the coordinates, then press Enter. Set the second point using the mouse or by entering the line's length and the angle relative to the X-axis. To exit drawing mode, press the ESC key or right-click and select Stop. You can modify a line by selecting it and dragging the blue node to a new position.
Rectangle: Draw a rectangle by clicking with the left mouse button or by entering the coordinates of the first point, the length, and the width. Confirm the values by pressing "Enter." You can modify the rectangle like a line by dragging its nodes or edges.
Circle: Draw a circle by specifying a center and a radius. Set the center with the mouse or by entering the coordinates, then enter the radius value. You can also use other commands to draw circles intuitively.
Arc: There are several methods for drawing an arc, including:
- Point-Point-Radius: Specify the start and end points and the radius of the arc.
- 3 Points: Set three consecutive points to define the arc.
- Tangent-Point-Radius: Select an existing line as the tangent, then set the starting point, radius, and extent of the arc.
- Curves (Spline): Draw curves called splines, whose shape is determined by consecutive points. Right-click to finish, close, continue, or cancel the spline drawing. You can modify the spline by snapping and dragging its nodes.
Polyline: This command allows you to draw open or closed polylines. You can stop or close the drawing at any time. If you close the polyline, the application will ask if you want to use it to create a space or an object.
Text: Draw text at any point in the project. Select the starting point, the height of the letters, and the text orientation, then enter the desired text and choose the color.
- Dimension: After completing the floor plan of the space, you can automatically create dimension lines for the walls by selecting Dimension > Automatic Dimensions. You can also manually add dimensions by selecting the Dimension > Dimension command and configuring the appearance of the dimension lines.
You can use these tools to draw the floor plan of your project, 3D objects, coverable areas, LED strips, and many other elements, taking advantage of the snap functionalities and other CAD tool options for optimal precision.
Linked articles:
- Drawing a 3D object with CAD 2D tools
This article is valid for version 2020 and later